Have you got a question about the karting at Race Planet Delft or Amsterdam?
FAQ Go-Karting
We advice to bring your own helmet and gloves, as it is more hygienic. The helmet has to be a good-fitting, full-face helmet with fixed chin piece. Ofcourse you can use one of our helmets if you can't bring your own, these are properly cleaned. We will provide you a hearnet. Protective clothing, helmets, body protectors and neck guards will be at your disposal. For safety reasons, it is mandatory to wear long trousers and enclosed shoes. Also when it’s warm outside!
In all Race Planet locations you can pay with a debit card, using your PIN code. It is also possible to pay with any standard Dutch credit card (with the exception of American Express).
Race Planet Amsterdam can be reached by public transport.
Take Connexxion bus 382 and get off the bus at stop: Westpoortweg
You can also take bus 231 to bus stop: Herwijk
Race Planet Delft can be reached by public transport, by taking Connexxion bus 60 & 62 at Delft Central Station.
Bus stop: Den Haag Defensie
Race Planet Amsterdam
Herwijk 10
1046 BC Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20-611 1120
Email: [email protected]
Race Planet Delft
Kleveringweg 18
2616 LZ Delft
Phone: +31 (0)15-212 7222
Email: [email protected]
At Bleekemolens Race Planet, we invite you for a kart session as soon as you are 8 years old and at least 1.35 meters tall. We apply this minimum height, in order to be sure participants can reach the pedals effectively. We have measuring tape with which you can check if your child has reached the minimum height of 1.35 meters. Needless to say, we measure the height while your child is wearing shoes. In exceptional cases, your child might be 1.35 meters tall, but if he cannot use the pedals effectively, we can’t allow him on the tracks. Safety first!